Recipes archive


My granny was used to say that we should be eating to live and not living to eat. Eating healthy does not mean remaining ridiculously slim, or denying yourself of the food varieties you love. It is, however, tied in with feeling extraordinary, having more energy, improving your wellbeing, and boosting your state of mind. In this blog, I...

They are in restaurant business from last 5 decades and serves Kachori in dried Pipple tree leaves. You can taste the spices of all over the India in one Kachori in only 30 rupees per plate.

Everyone knows that India is heaven of spices and 70% of World's spices come from India. If we are going to talk about the history of every spice in India then it will take a whole book to mention all of the spices.
In this blog, I am going to enlighten viewers about 'Mathania Mirch' (Mathania red chilli). 'Mathania'...

'Aloo Paratha' is a delightful Indian entire wheat flatbread loaded down with a hot potato filling, cooked on a hot pan or tawa, spread with butter or ghee and presented with pickle and hand crafted yoghurt. It is a comfort food at its best.
I love that every food in World has its own history and so is '...

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